Get your Momma drunk this March….


IMG_20130117_191135Dependent on where you’re from and what/how much you know about British culture, the idea of pubs might come slightly unusual or unfamiliar. Although I guess there’s a translated word for pub in pretty much any language, however its cultural meaning is likely to differ from what a pub in this country is. So, a pub in the UK tends to be the place where people drink and wind their gloom, however it usually also presumes the idea of not being stabbed on the spot while there. This is a major “lost in translation” moment, because for example Hungarian pubs are the places where most ppl wouldn’t go unless they ether have a need for cheap booze, or being knifed. The majority of English pubs are neither that cheap, nor that dangerous.

The word pub is an abbreviation of “public house”, though also sometimes referred to as “free house”, because people are free to go in there. The specific photo on the left was shot at one of the pub chains yesterday, and it’s inviting the guests to book a place for Mothers’ Day. As for myself, I’m not much of a family-oriented person, which isn’t to say I don’t care about my parents, yet I don’t go head over heels to get them stuff each year just because it’s another marketing-driven day to celebrate. Living literally a thousand miles doesn’t help either.

Nonetheless, it’s supposed to be a sort of special event, and I am really wondering why people would feel like getting Momma to the pub is special. Then just do nothing instead, probably it’s for the better…